Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Company information and Registration around the world

Company details and Registration in various countries


Company Directory


Company law around the world:


Monday, February 11, 2013

Bangladesh Nationality can open NRO Account in India

The Reserve Bank Of India has permitted to All Authorized dealer banks to open/ Maintain Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee Accounts (NRO) by Bangladesh Nationality(an Individual who is a resident in Bangladesh) without any approval, subject to the conditions laid down in the Circular, A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.82 dated 11th Feb, 2013.

General approval is given only to the Individual.However Entity/ies registered in Bangadlesh need prior approval of the Reserve Bank Of India to open an NRO account.

Here is the RBI's circular with the particulars and conditions required to open an NRO account.
